
Quick Poll

If Dawg was really a Dog what kind would He be?

How do I Join?

We have 2 sides to [tN], The Community and The Rep Teams.

Anyone can join our Community. Community membership simply gives you full access to your website.

Please Note: Community membership DOES NOT entitle you to prepend [tN] tags to your hero names. This privilege is reserved for full [tN] Reps only.

The Rep Team is invite only, but we can suggest the following:

* Register on our website and become a regular face
* Bookmark our servers, and jump in game with us on a regular basis
* Fill in an application and post it :[tN] Recruitment Application Thread

How do Rep Players get picked?

* On their contribution to the site forums
* On their loyalty to [tN] Servers
* On their in game behaviour
* On their ability to play as a valued team member
* On their ability to have fun while they play
* On their application in the above link

All these things are taken into consideration over time. [tN] Rep Team is strictly invite and when we feel you may have [tN] Potential, we ask you to trial with us, where you are invited on our Teamspeak 3 Server and we can see if you fit into to our style of gaming. These trials take 2 weeks on average and then [tN] Members vote, where 80% approval must be gained. If successful, you will be granted the following:

* Permission to change your hero names to have the [tN]- tag in front of it
* Moderator Access on our site to assist newer members in the forums
* Full time access to our TS3 Channels
* VIP Access on our 6 Servers
* Participate in organized scrims against other clans
* Potential to obtain designated positions within [tN]

What we suggest you DONT do:

* Constantly ask when you can trial - We have your application, we will contact you
* Join another clan in Heroes
* Change your name to have [tN] before you are given permission
* Spam the forums with offensive and irrelevant posts

If you have any questions, try the forums.


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