Our Servers

Below is a list of our current game servers. Bookmark your favourites by clicking on each banner! Community donations toward the rental of game and web server resources are always welcome! Please click the link above to donate via Paypal.

All Servers are Protected by GGC-Stream.

Team Nads - Main Server

Server owned by: Team NADS Reps | Admins: MajorPainNZ & Perry

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots

The Sausage Sizzle - Custom Map Rotation and No Trucing!


Server owned by: Dave and Bex | Admins: Dave and Bex

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots

MOPOWA's Gym Session - Custom Rotation


Server owned by: Mopowa | Admins: Mopowa

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots

Boom's Funhouse - The Place to Fool Around, Unranked!


Server owned by: Team NADS Reps | Admins: All [tN] members

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots

The Dawghouse - Don't Get Bitten!

Server owned by: MajorPainNZ | Admins: MajorPainNZ

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots

Nathan's Candy Shop - Free Lollies!

Server owned by: Nathan | Admins: All [tN] Reps

Server Status | Punkbuster Screenshots



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